• Project Team EcoSUN

  • GTS / University of Potsdam

    Communal Waterhouse
    A Multipurpose Centre in Ikwezi

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GTS e.V. / University of Potsdam

Society for Ecological Technology and Systems AnalysisGTS Waterhouse

GTS studies the principles of ecological technologies and implements these in projects that attain high efficiency of resources, climate protection and sustainability. Its work is multidisciplinary, taking in the material conversion industry and agriculture in just the same way as energy and waste management or even the arts, where it is also helping to bring about a breakthrough approach.

GTS carries out its own independent research and is involved in the transfer of scientific findings into industry. It supports academic teaching and specialist training. It works together with German and international bodies primarily in the biotech community. From an organisational point of view, the work is carried out by three sections and coordinated by a scientific board.


  • The biotechnology/sustainable raw material section deals with bioprocesses for the manufacture of innovative products made from renewable raw materials.

  • The material flow management and technology assessment section examines technological principles for making processes and products fit to meet targets of resource efficiency, dematerialization and climate compatibility.

  • The section on sustainability and knowledge transfer is dedicated to the task of incorporating developed methodological principles and technological solutions into
GTS Urine Diversion Toilet Piloting
